What is the World Transformation Movement? Supporters share their own experience.
The WORLD TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT (WTM) is a global not-for-profit charity that promotes Australian biologist JEREMY GRIFFITH’s breakthrough resolution of the underlying problem in all human affairs of the HUMAN CONDITION
“For me, the World Transformation Movement has been a source of clarity and inspiration, showing that, together, we can genuinely begin to solve the issues that have long plagued humanity.” Molly, farmer, Australia

Molly: “As a long-time supporter of the World Transformation Movement (WTM) and Jeremy Griffith’s work, I can wholeheartedly vouch for its authenticity, good intentions, and transformative potential.
The World Transformation Movement provides a groundbreaking scientific explanation that reconciles our soul and intellect — an understanding that has profoundly changed my life. Nothing about the WTM or the knowledge it promotes has ever let me down. There is no trace of ulterior motives or negativity — only a genuine effort to address humanity’s deepest questions and challenges.
For me, discovering this explanation was like experiencing a profound relief — an almost indescribable sense of hope and excitement for the future. I’ve tested and scrutinized this information in my own life and found it to be true, which is why I feel so strongly about sharing it.
I encourage everyone to approach this with curiosity. Investigate it, scrutinise it, and test it in your own life. If it resonates with you as it did with me, you’ll understand its significance and feel inspired to be part of the solution. Together, we can finally start to legitimately fix the world and create a better future for all.”
“The World Transformation Movement is dedicated to help every human understand the real explanation of our human condition, of what it really means to be human. Nothing less.” Gerald, database developer, Austria

Gerald: “The dedication and commitment of the founding members of the World Transformation Movement in getting this information out into the world is astonishing. I am proud to be a Member and part of the WTM Center Austria for about 3 years now, where we also translate the information into German Language. With more and more WTM Centers opening around the World in many different countries, this Movement gains more and more momentum and it is so exciting to connect to all these wonderful people. And by being able to talk honestly about all of this within our local group and in the international, regular occurring video group discussions, it becomes more and more real to me, how true this information is and what it makes possible now.
So, I highly recommend having a look at all the information put forward by the WTM on the Website and get in contact with the Sydney WTM Center or any international Center. This Movement is what we’ve been waiting for. To finally understand this explanation of our human condition and talk about it honestly is why we are here for, really. With this we have the greatest of all opportunities now to leave all the mess behind us and use our real potential to create a selfless, cooperative and loving new world free of the human condition for all future generations.”
“A few years ago, in my personal search for knowledge to solve both my own struggles in life and the broader problems facing humanity, I discovered the not-for-profit organization, the World Transformation Movement (WTM).” Lachlan, garden designer, Australia

Lachlan: I learned that the World Transformation Movement (WTM) is tackling one of the most profound and serious topics of our existence: the human condition — the root cause of humanity’s inner turmoil, as well as its divisive and destructive behavior.
This movement introduces a groundbreaking scientific paradigm for understanding human behavior and the world around us. Jeremy Griffith, the founder of the World Transformation Movement, describes this as a “human-condition-confronting, unevasive, holistic, introspective, thinking-dependent, subjective, inductive science.” This revolutionary, first-principle-based biological explanation brings clarity to our divisive behavior. As Professor Harry Prosen, former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, observed, it has the potential to “psychologically rehabilitate the entire human race” and transform everyone’s life. (The Interview, paragraph 13 of THE Interview — Jeremy Griffith solves human condition).
While many efforts to address humanity’s problems have focused on managing the symptoms of our psychological upset — such as repairing environmental damage or seeking solace through meditation — the WTM takes a bold and unprecedented approach by tackling the root cause. This root cause lies in our psychologically upset, angry, egocentric, and alienated behavior, which has driven much of the destruction on our planet.
By addressing and resolving this underlying upset, the World Transformation Movement offers the potential for a whole new world of freedom to open up for humanity. How good is that?!”
Watch, listen or read more personal experiences with the World Transformation Movement and Jeremy Griffith’s work at https://www.humancondition.com/extensive-commendations/